Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hillary Clinton's Master class in Distraction

In Michelle Cottle article, “Hillary Clinton’s Master class in Distraction”, she emphasizes that Hillary is still upset with her electoral loss against Donald Trump. Mrs. Clinton has tried to get more popularity among the citizens of the United States, but sadly she is only contradicting herself and making more people dislike her.  Hillary has become a popular topic among Republicans during their reelection campaigns, the Republicans talk about how Hillary says that President Trump should be hold accountable for the sexual misconduct claims against him, yet nothing was done when a woman said she was raped by Mr. Clinton in 1978.

Cottle provides evidence to support her claim that Hillary is out to destroy President Trump and his followers. For example, she mentions that on October 9,2018 Mrs. Clinton sat down with CNN and said, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.” Again here Mrs. Clinton is talking about President Trump and how she see’s him as a treat to the United States. Her main goal is to impeach Trump just to prove a point that he is not the best person to be in office and not focusing on what is best for the nation.  Hillary hopes to accomplish that by finding anything she can to dirty his name and make people hate him.

Cottle expresses frustration in her article, for example when she mentions the upcoming elections Democrats and Republicans should be focusing more on talking about health care and jobs rather than talking about impeachment or non-important matters. Cottle is trying to shed light on some of the nonsense Hillary is doing in order to gain popularity with out success.

I agree with Cottle, I believe Mrs. Clinton should focus on what’s best for the Nation rather than focusing on just President Trump. Hillary should try to gain citizens trust or votes by proving she is the right person and what her intensions really are instead of distracting herself with certain matters she has no proof for.  If the allegations against Trump are true or not are uncertain but only time will tell.

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