Wednesday, October 31, 2018

How a Democratic House Could Work With Trump

In The Editorial Board article, “How a Democratic House Could Work With Trump,” the author argues that President Trump made may promises during his run for office, but has felt short on completing all those promises. President Trump is too busy storming the southern boarders and trying to find the way for Mexico to build the boarder wall, instead on trying to find a way to reduce prescription medication cost for Medicare patients.  It seams that Trump completely forgot about all his promises once he got to office, yes of course he has worked highly on his promise to secure the boards and make it harder for immigrant workers to get jobs in the United States.

The author provides enough evidence to support his claim for example, in 2016 Mr. Trump promised to deliver a plan immediately after getting elected. That priority went nowhere with this Congress, then later he guaranteed that after midterms he would provide it. “It further muddles matters that Mr. Trump’s words often seem to contradict his actions, as when he portrays himself as champion of coverage for pre-existing conditions even as he urged Congress to vote to repeal Obamacare without replacing it or as his administration declines to defend the provision against legal challenges.

The author provides a sense of hope once the November elections are concluded hoping that more Democrats are elected and have a better control of the law making.  In all if it helps the country and the people to have more Democrats in office to get things done, I agree. Hopefully Trump starts changing his way of thinking and starts getting more hands on with the Medicare situations. Helping many Americans on a day to day basic.

 I agree with the author, Trump should start focusing on some or all his promises if he wants a chance at re-election. President Trump should stop talking and start providing evidence that he actually care about the things he says to his followers.  Believe it or not people take that into consideration when they are voting, and if you failed to fulfill your previous promises they are more likely not to believe you anymore.

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